We are a major exporter of freshwater ornamental aquarium tropical fish in Thailand.

We are the ornamental tropical fish disease free farm certify by the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operative of Thailand.

We supply all kind of aquarium freshwater tropical fish in Thailand work with excellence quality aquatic ornamental tropical fish only.
Exporter & wholesaler all kind of aquarium freshwater tropical fish in Thailand, ornamental fish and aquatic plant in Thailand.
We have more than 220 species of aquarium freshwater ornamental tropical fish for export to international.
Our company is one member of AFFECT (Aquatic Fauna and Flora Exporters Council of Thailand)




V.Aquarium Ltd.,Part
263 LeabklongParsricharoen Fangtai Road, Nongkheam District, Nongkheam Bangkok 10160 Thailand
Tel : 662-4293118, 662-4293119 Mobile : 6681-9154225 , 6693-6894549
E-mail : contactus@vaquariumthailand.com